That's usually the first statement made by most persons who visit Mattachine offices from coast to coast. It seems almost axiomatic that those who call upon the Society are individuals with a pressing problem and they need help and friendly counsel. These problems generally involve such things as loss of job, emotional difficulties, rejection by family and friends, conflict with the law, and other problems of daily living in a world that seems incapable of understanding many of its people. Mattachine welcomes these people and to the best of its ability the dedicated workers of the Society try to help. Social service, together with education and aid to responsible research, are the basic working aims of the organization. Unfortunately, however, the Society is so limited in what it can do that all it can offer is friendly understanding and a referral to professional experts who are qualified to assist in coping with specific problems. In a strict sense, that is as it should be, because many difficulties faced by homosexuals and their parents require nothing less than the best that understanding and experienced psychiatrists, therapists, attorneys, ministers and other counselors have to offer. But more and more, it seems, there is a need for qualified laymen within the Society to provide some of the general counseling that can often brighten the immediate loutook for many whose future looks dark. That's where you come in.

There is an immediate need for two things in the Mattachine program which you can provide. First is an expanded membership of adults from all walks of life is needed to provide the strength and qualifications which pursuit of the Mattachine idea demands. Second is financial help which such a vital public service program must have to keep going.

Won't you consider this appeal?

First step is to write or call

the nearest office of the Mattachine Society, or write direct to

the Board of Directors...

693 Mission St.

Mattachine Society, Inc. Som Franceco
